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Michael Bedar

The Sacred Science (DVD)

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The Sacred Science (DVD)
The Sacred Science (DVD)
The Sacred Science (DVD)
How far would you go to heal?

Parkinsons’s Disease, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Depression… 

Despite remarkable advances in modern medicine, our society still struggles to effectively treat these and other common illnesses.

Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru’s indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines.

In their most desperate hour, these patients are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process. Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won’t come back at all.

Hope lies in the Amazon.

It is a known fact that over 25% of all our prescribed medical treatments come from plants in the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon is home to over 44,000 species of plants and most doctors agree that this region is the most obvious place to look for the cure for cancer, M.S., Alzheimer’s, you name it. The main problem that scientists face is that there are too many plants and too little time to study them. Believe it or not, less than 5% of these plants have been tested for their healing potential!
An ancient culture holds the healing knowledge we’ve been looking for.

After hitting their heads against the wall for decades, scientists have begun to realize that the indigenous Amazonian tribes have spent thousands of years studying these 44,000 + plants and already know which ones hold the cure. In fact, they’re already using them to heal their own people!

Here’s the kicker:

Even though there is documented proof that these treatments are extremely effective, the research and patenting process takes so long that most of us will not live to see them used here in the modern world. That’s where my team and I drew the line. We decided to take action.

The medicines wouldn’t come to us, so we brought eight patients to them in our new documentary film, The Sacred Science.

In October 2010, we brought eight people with eight different illnesses deep into the Amazon Rainforest to work with native medicine men for 30 days. We had over 400 applications from people around the world, each desperate to find an answer to their illness. The selection process was grueling, but we eventually made our decisions and embarked on what would become the adventure of a lifetime. Best of all, we had a world class documentary film crew capture the entire journey!

The patients we brought were suffering from the following illnesses:

Nicola Dale - Parkinson's Disease
John Wood - Prostate Cancer
Jessica Stenis - Crohn's Disease
Joel Davis - Diabetes
Juan Oraca - Alcohol Addiction & Depression
Gretchen Stasey - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Gary Thompson - Neuro-endocrine Cancer
Melinda Elliot - Breast Cancer
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