Grow Boxes can only be shipped to the 48 contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii.
We only ship internationally to Canada.
***Please provide your physical address as we cannot ship Grow Boxes to P.O. Boxes.***
What's new in Food Rising Grow Box 2.0
- It's still 100% non-electric, EMP-proof and uses no pumps whatsoever.
- Gravity powered auto-watering is now accomplished through a vertical float valve mounted in the lid of the bin rather than the side wall. This vertical float valve is an amazing, non-toxic part that was designed to soak in ultra-purified drinking water. It is manufactured using entirely non-chemical processes such as high precision ultrasonic welding of its joints.
- The number of parts is sharply reduce for greatly improved simplification and reliability.
- There are no longer any metal parts in the float valve. The valve is a simple but clever piece of engineering that was originally designed to be used in gravity water filtration systems. We've adapted it for use in the Food Rising Grow Box, where it serves the same function of holding back gravity-fed water until more water is needed.